Live Like You Mean It

More Powerful Than a Speeding Resolution…

For the last few weeks I’ve been busy in my coaching practice creating a great event to kick off 2014 . To stay on track I repeated the word “Focus” every day, like a mantra. Especially when I first woke up and “Busy Brain” tried to take me off course.

It worked so well that I decided to use two or three words as touch points in the coming year.

First, I’m continuing with the word “Focus” because it was powerful for me and produced great results.

I’ve often tried to do too many things at once, thinking I was being productive. (If you can relate, raise your hand.) This approach kept me overwhelmed and feeling like I wasn’t doing anything as well as I’d like. Vaguely uneasy, I wondered what I might be missing…and when it would come back to bite me.

Studies have shown we don’t really multi-task. We just learn to quickly switch our focus until we lose the ability to concentrate. That’s the antithesis of creativity so this year I am getting back into Focus. It won’t always be easy but re-training my brain to pay close attention to the important stuff will pay off in the end. I’ve already seen the proof of that over the last few weeks.

My second word is “Authentic”. Somewhere in my journey I assimilated the idea that being in business meant being uber-serious. It’s probably related to advice I received to be careful about sharing what I loved. Things like kayaking, knitting and painting because people wouldn’t see me as ‘professional’. I’m throwing out that advice and being myself in all parts of my life.

So in 2014 I am bringing the playful me to the party knowing my tribe will find me. I’ll be spending regular time here on my creative blog because I love hanging out and sharing here. I would love to create a community of creative hearts. 

I challenge you to find your own words for the coming year. I recommend keeping it to 3 or less. It’s supposed to be easy so that when you forget (as we both will) you can quickly find your way back.

In fact, I believe choosing powerful words will create more success than empty resolutions.

I also recommend you practice being Gentle with yourself. Wow! There’s my third word.

I’d love to have you share your words for 2014 in the comments below. Even better, how about sharing the difference they make over the coming year?

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