It’s hard to believe it’s we’re into the second month of 2022 already. Wasn’t it just Christmas last week?
January was an interesting journey for me. I shifted my focus to what brings me joy. For the past month, the person I looked to satisfy with my creative time was myself.
“What do I want to do today? Does this bring me joy?”
Those are big questions for me because in the past, my driving question when it came to painting was “Will this sell?” My fibre art was always for the joy of creating. Feeling the difference between those two things showed me the flaw in my questions. I wanted more of the joy and less of the ‘should’. I also explored how important the natural world is to my process.
We watched the movie Encanto last night. I can’t say it’s one of my favourite Disney movies but I did appreciate the message – that we are all more than our gifts and the expectations those gifts create, in ourselves and others. That it matters when we show up authentically and as ourselves.
I hope the generation Encanto is geared to can take that message to heart and make decisions for their lives that honour who they are. They won’t waste quite as much time as I have getting to my January Aha.
Although nothing’s a waste, is it? It’s all learning and part of our journey. Often we have to find out what we are not to discover who we are.
I wonder what February holds for me? And you.