Robin Williams once said, "Spring is Nature's way of saying, 'Let's Party!" So this is your invitation! Get out your creative toys and join me. The theme is fun. (No more 'shoulding' all over yourself. That's so yesterday.) Get in touch with your inner Robin and be more whimsical. What does playful look like to you? My Muse… Continue reading Spring Party: Celebrate Your Creativity!
Tag: How to
Welcome to my studio.
Let me show you around.
I love to see the studios of other creative folk. I'm curious about how they support their creative practice. Feel free to step inside my studio.
“Ransom Note” Poetry
I didn't actually begin this art journal page with a poem in mind. It was one of those lovely serendipitous things that seems to form on its own. I'm reading Elizabeth Gilbert's book Big Magic:Creative Living Beyond Fear in which she talks about ideas looking for someone to give them physical form. That's how this creative… Continue reading “Ransom Note” Poetry