My husband gifted me with an easel this week for my upcoming birthday.
Actually, it’s a milestone birthday and when he asked me for ideas on what to get me I knew just what to ask for. I wanted a real artist easel. It’s something I’ve always wanted but always thought they were really really expensive. Turns out you can find them for a pretty reasonable price. Silly me.

I’m also surprised at what changed in my art practice. The easel gave me some unexpected gifts, as well.
First, it makes me feel like a Serious Artist.
Not that I didn’t consider myself an artist before it arrived. I’ve been painting for many years. In fact, I recently noted the date on one of the paintings in our home — 2012. So I’ve been at it more than 10 years because I was working way before that particular piece. Id’ say it’s been closer to 30 years. Some days I may feel little more competent than others, but that’s why it’s called practice, right?
These days, when I go out to the studio in the morning and see my easel waiting for me, it tells my subconscious I’m taking this ‘art thing’ seriously. It makes me excited to get to work!
Secondly, I now stand up to paint because of the easel. I’ve always worked from a seated position (and probably still will for watercolours). Now that I’m working in oils, the shift to standing up brings a new energy to the work. It’s literally “thinking on my feet”. Standing at that easel feels like a dance.

Just recently I posted one of my first easel paintings and an artist friend said she loved the energy in the work. Makes me wonder why I waited so long.