I just stepped outside the studio to call the dog. The air is cold but the sun feels warm in that sheltered, south-facing spot.
The thought crossed my mind, “I live in a world of paradox.”
I miss travel so we rented a cottage here in Nova Scotia to get away from routine and the sameness of Covid-restricted life. After three days, I was happy to get home again and back into my routine.
I dream of creating with paint and fabric but I can find a thousand small things to keep myself otherwise occupied. However, when I am engaged in the creative process, I feel grounded and in my happy place.

I’m not even sure where I’m going with this post. Something tugs at me about contrast and opposites as I bring the dog inside and go back to painting.
“Contradiction’ may be closer to what I’m feeling. Cold vs warm. Travel vs home. Creation vs chores. There’s always something pulling my attention in two directions.
And if I wanted to represent this in a piece of art what would that look like?
The dog has maneuvered himself into my line of sight and is staring hard at the studio door. It’s clear he’s asking to go back out into the sunshine.
Seems we all deal with paradox, contradictions and opposing forces. However, the dog has triggered an idea for an image to express what I’m feeling.
Art is all around us in the middle of daily life if we pay attention. I don’t think that’s a paradox, just a simple truth.