Peonies in Watercolor
In the Studio

Passion and Peonies

Remember that sneak peek of my half-finished peony painting? I’m happy to report I completed it today and I’m feeling pretty good about it. I’m also happy because I’m honouring my passion to express myself creatively.

Originally, I’d planned to spend time with my Painting Buddy, Karen Richardson this week. However my eyesight is getting increasingly bad and it’s time to hang up my car keys. Which means I’m housebound for the time-being although my husband willingly stands in as chauffeur.

I confess I’m relieved my surgery is coming up very soon but I’m also looking at this as an opportunity. My self-imposed confinement allows me to catch up on some of the creative projects I’ve been thinking about.

I mentioned in a previous post how my sight problems re-lit my creative fire but there was another element at play I want to share.

In the fall, I took on a 30 Day Passion Project, committing to at least one creative act every day. What I did was entirely up to me so I decided it didn’t need to be anything huge as long as it felt like play. It didn’t count if I did it for my business.

SKetches of NosesSketching while my family watched TV seemed the easiest thing to fit into my day. One evening I challenged myself to draw noses as we watched Lord of the Rings. Lots of fun and it was heartening to see my drawing skills come back.

Over that 30 day period I built a creative habit. The cork came out of the bottle and the genie got loose in a very good way. It truly felt like someone waved a magic wand over me. It’s a habit that stuck.

I certainly didn’t quit my day job. I’m still a business coach and trainer . I just don’t feel stuck on the work treadmill any longer. I reclaimed something that puts food in my soul, not just on my table. I believe so much in the value of Passion Projects that I became a licensed facilitator.

If you’ve never heard of this concept before, a Passion Project is anything you’ve been secretly wanting to let out but could use some support to make it happen. It can be personal or business related. You don’t even need to know what it might be going in. 

 If you’re curious about how it works (and to find out if it’s for you) I’ve got a free introductory webinar coming up. 

Click Here to Get the Scoop

Now that I’ve got my Peonies painted, I’ve got a couple of other subjects in mind…plus I’ve got everything to try wet felting…and I want to do more zen doodles…and then there’s always…

So many fun things to do!


2 thoughts on “Passion and Peonies”

  1. Love the peonies Aprille!
    I’ll be thinking of you next week when you are having your eye surgery. Hope it goes well, and that we get to paint together the following week.

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