Break out of the old routine

The Power of Routine

The routine is as much a part of the creative process as the lightning bolt of inspiration, maybe more. — Twyla Tharp

Are you thinking about New Year’s Resolutions today? I usually avoid them but this year there is one that makes sense to me.

After reading Twyla Tharp’s words in The Creative Habit, I committed to regular creative dates with my Muse in 2018. I encourage you to consider it for yourself if you’re serious about living a more creative life.

Creative routine is powerfulCreative Routine

Showing up on a regular basis in my studio sends a signal to my subconscious which is where my Muse hangs out. That message reads “This is IMPORTANT.”

Creative time is my ‘work’. Soul work, that is.

I am the first to admit not everything that comes out of my studio is gold or even fit for anyone to see but me. However, a creative routine that evolves into habit means inspiration always knows where to find me.

Make this the year you stop waiting to “feel” inspired. Don’t leave something this important to the whims of a sugar high or a restless night.

8 thoughts on “The Power of Routine”

  1. Spot on!

    Another blogger that I admire says his mother taught him the importance of routine in any success. When someone questions his resolve, he says “it’s just what I do”. Now, I find myself saying the same thing on occasion. I just need to apply it to creativity.

    1. I love “it’s just what I do.” No justifying or need to give a reason. It works so I do it.
      I implemented a routine this week to signal the start and end of my creative time. Works like magic. I’ll be writing about that next.
      Thanks for sharing.

    1. Thanks for dropping by Elizabeth. I agree completely. Waiting for inspiration can become a trap because the less we do, the less raw material inspiration has to use!

  2. What a great idea! I do make time for journaling, planning my day, visualizing, meditating, working out…etc. But not for my creativity…obviously needed because I hear myself say things like – I am not very creative at all, ugh! Solutions at hand, thank you, Aprille.

    1. You’re welcome, Teresa. I did the same thing for years – time for the other stuff but… Funny how easy it can be to miss this soul-ution.

  3. Great post. I think scheduling time to be creative really says that I believe I am important and worthy. I’ve spent so much time in my lives being told that taking time for myself and my creative activities was selfish that taking time to be creative became synonymous with selfishness. No more!

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