Let's Stay in Touch

We need more boredom

Boredom gets a bad rap these days.

The problem is this – we aren’t creative in special pockets of time or space. Creativity doesn’t occur in isolation from our lives. We are creative all the time, wherever and whenever we are. Everything in our life is raw material. (Just ask the family of a writer.)

Or at least that’s how it used to be

Frankly, I’m worried about the richness of our creative lives these days because so many of us are just so, well…distracted.  Those smart devices are training us to avoid boredom at any cost. We turn to them constantly and when we do, we miss the inspiration all around us. There are ideas floating through the air, waiting for our attention but fewer and fewer of us are paying attention.

Invite boredom

A little boredom might be a good thing

What’s got your attention these days?  Are you actively looking for the creative sparks and ideas that are all around you?

Or does your social media feed keep you distracted?

If your creative well is feeling a little dry, that may be a sign you need to take a vacation from technology and get back to real life. Everything feeds your creativity, if you are awake and aware. Everything.

Challenge yourself. Let yourself feel the boredom. It’s actually fertile ground, contrary to what you might think.

A lot of creative brilliance had its roots in boredom

Start with just an hour. Put down that smart device and pay attention to the world around you for that time.

You might be missing something important.

2 thoughts on “We need more boredom”

  1. I LOVED this Aprille. I feel you and I are somehow on such a similar kind of mission! I am so looking forward to getting to know you more in 2018! Let’s plan to chat! Let’s be bored 😉

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