Perfection is a mirage. Looks good in the distance but you'll never get there. Just do the work and you may be surprised about what you learn.
Tag: action
Growing the Seed of an Idea
Seeds need soil and water, a place of nurture to trigger the process of growth. So do ideas.
Take Time To Enjoy the Gift
The artist is nothing without the gift, but the gift is nothing without work. - Emile Zola Time away is a gift This year, being away for a whole month was a first for both of us. A month changes things, providing distance and perspective. It made me see I was in danger of filling… Continue reading Take Time To Enjoy the Gift
Sketching to Experience the World
Drawing is first about taking something with all the senses, letting what is simply be as it is, without judging it. - Jeanne Carbonetti, The Yoga of Drawing" Call it what you will I love sketching. While it's a good creative warm-up, it's even better as an antidote to the distractions all around me. It… Continue reading Sketching to Experience the World
Muse Flash: Simplify
Our life is frittered away by detail... simplify, simplify. - Henry David Thoreau Simplify. Sounds so easy but here I am, once again, learning the lessons of simplicity. To ask myself if I really need to do ________(fill in the blank) or is it a distraction? Does this painting need this level of detail or… Continue reading Muse Flash: Simplify