An artist's vocabulary is brushstrokes, medium and colour. As van Gogh came into his full creative power, his vocabulary pulsed with energy and colour.
Tag: voice
Don’t Compare
I came across something this past week that reminded of an Aha I had while viewing the Matisse exhibit a few years back. I can't compare my rough drafts with someone else's finished masterpiece. Yet I fall victim to this all the time and people in my workshops often do the same thing. We're too… Continue reading Don’t Compare
Muse Flash: Tell the Story
We shall not cease from exploration, and the end of all our exploring will be to arrive where we started and know the place for the first time. T. S. Eliot Choosing the head or the heart I have to watch myself or I get too "heady" when I'm painting and I forget to tell… Continue reading Muse Flash: Tell the Story
15 Reasons Why I Believe Creative Expression is Vital
Recently I asked myself these questions, "Why do I believe so passionately that creative expression is a sacred trust? Why do I believe it's vital to leading a full life?" It wasn't always like that I grew up around people who taught taking time to paint and draw was a frivolous use of a precious… Continue reading 15 Reasons Why I Believe Creative Expression is Vital
Lessons from a Chickadee: Nova Scotia Life
A chickadee crossed my path and taught me two important lessons. It also delivered a message about truth, joy and balance.