Recently I asked myself these questions, “Why do I believe so passionately that creative expression is a sacred trust? Why do I believe it’s vital to leading a full life?”
It wasn’t always like that
I grew up around people who taught taking time to paint and draw was a frivolous use of a precious resource. The leaders of the church I attended taught fiction was like telling lies. Dire warnings that following my own path threatened the natural order of the universe. People I respected told me creativity was highly suspect and safer to steer clear.
Why the next thing you knew, I’d be thinking independantly!
Not my truth
Is it any wonder I felt confused? What I heard didn’t line up with inner wisdom.
It was years before I realized those message told me more about the messengers and not about truth. Their words and warnings reflected warped belief systems, disappointed dreams and their own legacy of distorted messages.
Then one day, I challenged those messages.
Choosing my own path of creative expression
So here I am. Passionately devoted to my own creative path as well as to helping others find theirs.
Today I ask why is that so important to me? Why do I feel words like “sacred trust” are accurate?
Like I always do when I reflect, I turned to my journal and made a list.
In no particular order, here it is:
1. Creativity helps us uncover our own truth. It reveals us to ourselves and ultimately, to others.
2. Leading a creative life leaves a mark that says “I was here”. It creates a legacy.
3. Creativity is a form of meditation. When we are in ‘flow’, time disappears. In our chaotic, fast-paced society, this is rare and valuable.
4. As an antidote to our frenetic modern life, anything that reduces our stress offers health benefits.
5. What we are creatively passionate about reveals something to us about our core values.
6. Anything that nourishes our soul is a positive response to all the negativity that surrounds us these days.
7. It’s our birthright. We are all born creative. How we express that creativity is unique to each of us.
8. Creativity is a source of personal power. It’s our voice.
9. Creative expression can be a powerful form of protest and activism. Despots and dictators have good reason to be afraid of creative expression.
10. It’s a powerful way to teach without preaching. Let your creations do the talking.
11. Creativity connects us. We find others on the same path as us or we discover intersections and enhance each others’ journey.
12. Creative expression makes us more aware of the world around us. (When I sketch something I know it in a more intimate way than a mere glance offers.)
13. It expands our world. Think of what we owe to inventors, innovators, photographers, chefs, gardeners, etc, etc .
14. Play. The world needs less seriousness and more joy.
15. Creative living offers the satisfaction of being fully alive, using our gifts.
What did I miss?
Help me to add to this list by replying in the comments.
I’m including a pdf of 15 Reasons to Be Creative. Click the link to download. No need to sign up for anything.
Post it by your desk or in your studio. Share it with anyone who is struggling against old messaging to find their path.
It’s that important.
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