Procrastination comes in many forms but I discovered a cure for mine and it works like a charm. I just had to apply Hemingway's writing advice to my painting.
Tag: challenge
Take Time To Enjoy the Gift
The artist is nothing without the gift, but the gift is nothing without work. - Emile Zola Time away is a gift This year, being away for a whole month was a first for both of us. A month changes things, providing distance and perspective. It made me see I was in danger of filling… Continue reading Take Time To Enjoy the Gift
Moving Past the Inner Critic
This insightful post about the Inner Critic was written by guest author Sue Macrae. The original appeared on her blog where she shared her journey. I've reprinted here with her permission. I’m gearing up to undertake the National November Novel Writing (NaNoWriMo) challenge. That has me thinking of the specter I will deal with as… Continue reading Moving Past the Inner Critic
Art at the Speed of Life
If you ask me what I came to do in this world, I, an artist, would answer you: I am here to live out loud. - Émile Zola Last week, life demanded something new from me. We left the house at sunrise, headed for my husband's knee surgery. It was a day of firsts. First surgery… Continue reading Art at the Speed of Life
Muse Flash: Tell the Story
We shall not cease from exploration, and the end of all our exploring will be to arrive where we started and know the place for the first time. T. S. Eliot Choosing the head or the heart I have to watch myself or I get too "heady" when I'm painting and I forget to tell… Continue reading Muse Flash: Tell the Story