While creative resistance may seem to come from outside of you, it is self-generated and self-perpetuated. It is also a force of nature and a liar. It's fuel is fear.
Tag: fear
Challenge your challenges. You may learn something new.
It's Day One of the Ultimate Blogging Challenge. Already I've learned some important lessons about commitment and creative passion.
Why You Need to Stop Hiding Your Creativity
As an antidote to negativity, honest creative expression can help us find common ground again. It's time to bring our creativity out of hiding.
The Road Not Travelled…Yet
Some days feel so far from where I meant to be at this time in my life. I dream of creative exploration but spend too much time navigating the 'real world'. I took a wrong turn somewhere. A Personal GPS would be handy right now. "Recalculating." As a child growing up in a home where… Continue reading The Road Not Travelled…Yet
Writing (and Creating) With the Door Closed
In his fascinating book “On Writing” Stephen King recommends that we write twice. First, write with the door closed. This is for-your-eyes-only writing. You are the only arbiter of what stays and what goes. Then only after you are satisfied with what you've created should you open the door and invite the world in. His advice… Continue reading Writing (and Creating) With the Door Closed