Magic can happen in a studio. -- Benny Green I've been promising a peek into my new studio for awhile now but it's been a much longer road than we originally planned on but moving day has finally arrived. A little background Our home has been reinvented quite a few times over its 125 year… Continue reading Studio Report 1
Tag: Nova Scotia
The Wonder of Nova Scotia: Inspired by Place
Stuff your eyes with wonder. See the world. It's more fantastic than any dream made or paid for in factories. -- Ray Bradbury Baby eyes Babies intrigue me...and it's not just because they are so blinkin' cute. I love the way they observe the world around them, soaking it all in without judgment. Their eyes… Continue reading The Wonder of Nova Scotia: Inspired by Place
Water: The Magic Element
Anytime of the day I can step out my door and the ocean lies just around the corner, always different, always fascinating. Studies show we are hard-wired to react positively to water.
A Perfect Start
If we hadn't done something about our hopes I wouldn't have been here to see this perfect start to a day.
Village Life: Signs of Springtime on the Bay
Springtime is the Illumination part of the creative cycle. Ideas, dreams and images ready to burst out so we can see what's been growing in the quiet.